Steps to Apply For an SFFCU Boat / Motorcycle / RV/ Other Vehicle Loan

Steps to Apply For an SFFCU Boat / Motorcycle / RV/ Other Vehicle Loan

  1. Contact information for applicant (SSN, DOB, phone number and email); Submitting a joint application? Please make sure your co-applicant is eligible for membership and has their own account or joint on your primary share (minimum $10).
  2. Current housing, employment and income information for all applicants.
  3. Trade-in information (title or loan information).
  4. Amount you expect to finance (including vehicle purchase price, taxes, tags, title and warranty).
  5. Length (term) of the loan you want.

If you’ve already picked out the vehicle you wish to buy or if refinancing your vehicle, we’ll also need:

  1. The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or Hull Number.
  2. The exact mileage (motorcycles and motorhomes).
Don’t have your vehicle picked out yet? No problem – select “Get Pre-approved” as your loan option.
  • This may include providing your sales agreement for dealership purchases, completing the Boat/Motorcycle/RV Worksheet and/or Payoff Information form if refinancing or buying from a private seller.

  • Once the underwriter has reviewed your application, you’ll receive a call or email letting you know the status. Save SFFCU’s number (1-888-521-5209) in your contacts to be ready for our call.
Electronically sign your forms from anywhere using your laptop or mobile device.
You can choose from a variety of options to receive your loan funds. We can overnight the check directly to the dealership or deposit into your share account.
Once you pay the dealer/seller or existing lienholder, go to your state’s DMV to ensure the title is received listing State Farm Federal Credit Union as lienholder within 60 days.

Learn more about SFFCU title insurance requirements.

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