Proof of Income

Members applying for loans will need to supply proof of income for all sources they would like considered in the loan application review process. These must include the individual’s name and date as part of the original document.  Please provide proof of income for all individuals listed on the application. 

A list of acceptable proof of income is outlined below. Please submit this information in PDF format by logging into online banking, selecting the Applications widget (sometimes located under the “More” widget section), selecting Applications, and uploading your documents.

Proof of Income

Current State Farm pay stub
Current State Farm Agent online recap showing Total Payable Per Agreement plus Total Awards and Bonuses (Report RIZPB004), found in the “PAYMENT SECTION”
Current State Farm Retired Agent online recap showing Total Payable Per Agreement (Report RIZPB004), found in the “PAYMENT SECTION”
Most recent pay stub
Direct deposit as shown on a bank statement, or current pay stub for retirement or social security income as applicable
IRS form 1040, Schedule C or F; For S Corporations IRS form 1120S.
Most recent pay stub
Divorce decree with current proof or check stubs. Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance income is required only if you want it considered when reviewing your loan application
Current Award letter, 1099, or bank statement showing deposit
Schedule E or current signed lease agreements if prior year Schedule E is not available

Thank you for your interest in a borrowing through State Farm Federal Credit Union. Please contact us at 888-521-5209 between the hours of 7:30 am – 5:30 pm CST, Monday – Friday with any questions.

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